Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Wedding Plans

Has everyone seen the pictures of the wedding site? Scott said it looked like Blanchard Springs, AR to him. Looked like FCF to me! Gorgeous! I think Erica might have picked a pretty good site...the man sounds ok, too, even if he did run off to Iraq to keep from having to help plan a wedding. Big chicken.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Tailgating Lyn's Graduation

A good time was had by all, or at least that is what we were told. We had a nice little group, Grandmother, Papa, Martha, Burkett, Teresa, Grandpa R., Ronnie, Susan, Jonathan, Aaron, Scott, me, Will Fly (yes, that is his real name,) who is Aaron and Lyn's friend, and of course the honoree, to enjoy burgers and smoked bologna. We had a blue and orange theme going with chips and m&m's...Aaron and Lyn even made blue and orange shortbread for the occasion. My help ruined the look, but they were still yummy. Lyn and Aaron did almost all the food prep work, I just had to do the hunter/gatherer thing and then look hostess-y later.

Graduation was long of course. Awards of every description, 8 different speakers, plus over 300 graduates. Afterwards, we all met in the parking lot again for watermelon while the crowds thinned out and the lights in the lot were finally turned off. None of our party had to wait in line though, and even the last of us were out of the lot by 10:15.

We certainly missed all who couldn't be there, and Lyn appreciated her phone call just before we left home. That was sweet. You were all thought of, missed and talked about...now don't you wish you knew?

Love to all.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

My Brain hurts

So, I finally got my prelim budget ready for this hancho meeting tomorrow. Got it loaded to the right file on my PC. Then I spent an hour and a half trying to get my palm pilot to sync. Finally restarted the computer...duh...and it worked. Silly me. The techie, not thinking it could possibly be that I just needed to start over.
Sorry about the techno-babble, but at 10:15, my girlfriend who'd actually care was asleep and the rest of you are just stuck with me anyway.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

calling all girls

I'm sending out another invitation. I'm sure the last one went to the girls junk mail. Does Em check mail at all? I'll not send it to her, we'll let V and Erica get her on. Hope we can all post to this one!
Love you, Freda