Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Hmmmm, no one reads this, so here goes.

Just sat through about 4 hours of tornado warnings on the stool in the kitchen. Scott slept in the chair in the den. I called the folks at least 5 times, they had warnings, too, but no real local access (well, one channel) with satellite. So, I now have severe fanny fatigue and a roaring case of the fidgets.
Lyn and Aaron will be home in 3 days for a week. We will go see family, Harry Potter, and at least one Mexican restaurant. We have simple tastes. We will all play a silly game around the kitchen table at some point and get the simples because of it. Everyone will grumble about the choice of game and we will be fiercely competitive even if it is "Pass the Pigs". The only reason we will go to bed is because some one will have to get up for work or a haircut or to walk the dog the next morning.
Not much has changed since moving into this house. Most of the furniture is where it hit when we moved in 16 years ago. The paint hasn't been redone. I finally made curtains last winter for the living room. Boy, are they gaudy, but I love them. I'm still not a housekeeper and I wouldn't trade a clean floor for a game of Farkle no matter who is coming over. Time with the kids is more important and lots more fun.
I'll make boiled custard for Aaron and Arby, even tho Arby will be in California for the holidays. Aaron will be happy to drink his share. I'll grill both kids about what they talked about on the way home and not be satisfied with "nothing," even tho that will be all the answer I'll get. But! I will find out if Lyn has had her third college kiss and that will make her dad and brother uncomfortable and then we will laugh at them.
I'll talk to Aaron and Lyn about what wedding presents to get the cousins and the nearest thing to a brother they've had. I'll get no help from them, but at least I'll be able to say "Well, I asked!" when they say, "Why in the WORLD did you buy that?" It's like consequences for your actions, you have to live with what you get if you don't speak up!
And what we won't do is use every minute together, because like dummies, we will believe there will always be more.


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